What will the first session be like?

During the first session we will talk about your reasons for coming to therapy, and I will evaluate your needs. It will also be important for you to decide if you will be comfortable working with me and if we will be a "good fit." The first session is a good chance for me to get to know you and your family (if applicable). Each session is typically 50 minutes long.

How long will therapy take?

The length of treatment depends on each individual's or family's particular issues and commitment to participating and making changes. Within the first few sessions, we will work together to come up with goals based on your needs, and I should be able to give you a general idea of whether therapy will be long- or short-term.

Do you accept insurance?

I am not paneled with any insurance companies. If you have out-of-network mental health benefits, I can provide you with a super bill to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

What is your rate?

The current session fee is $200.